Gunstock Mountain Resort
Gunstock Mountain Resort
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Submitted on December 31, 2015 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionNight
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeRetail Price
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions5% open; Spring Snow, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesNone
Moguls MogulsA few had formed from the day's use.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)None this evening.
Run of the Day Run of the DaySmith
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageChicken tenders and fries (no beverage) were about $10.50, but decent.
Comments CommentsVery discouraging.
Web site suggests a night ticket without specials/complimentary items is $32. Snow report stated, "HALF PRICE (Weekend & Holiday Rates) LIFT TICKETS from 12/26/15 through 1/3/16. Half Price applies to Prime Time, AM or PM, Night, Penn, and Carpet lift tickets!" Yet, they were charging $41 (!) at 6PM for a night ticket, claiming it was a "special" that included tubing and late night skiing. They would not sell even a regular $32 til 9PM ticket. Extremely deceptive.
7 night trails were advertised, however in actuality there were two trails off the Ramrod Quad (400 vertical feet) and one trail off the Penny Pitou Quad (160 vertical feet), plus the magic carpet running on the flat between the two lifts. The two largest night skiing lifts (Pistol Triple and Tiger Triple) were closed. The summit high speed quad is not open at night.
Peepsight (off Penny Pitou Quad) was two snowcat passes wide in terms of snowcover; spring snow.
Lower Tiger was also at half width, with generally frozen granular surfaces with spring snow on the sides, as well as a few small dirt patches. Very few people using this trail.
Smith was close to full width in terms of snow cover (until the lower merge) with spring snow and occasional bumps, though I managed to hit a few rocks at the turn.
Was also surprised to see multiple dark spots on both of the open Ramrod trails presumably due to burned out lights.
Needless to say, the above-retail pricing for three short trails was extremely discouraging, especially for a publicly owned and operated ski area.
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Rating Report Rating5 Rating5

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