Bretton Woods
Bretton Woods
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Submitted on December 9, 2017 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions25% open; Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesNone
Moguls MogulsNone
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)A few features on upper Bretton's Wood.
Run of the Day Run of the DayCrawford's Blaze
Food and Beverage Food and Beverage
Comments CommentsNice conditions for the first hour or so, but things quickly became scraped as crowds arrived. $59 early season ticket was okay, but very little in way of challenge terrain-wise.

Two ways down from the Rosebrook Quad - Upper Swoop was decent, as was Outer Bounds. A snowcat was working on Zealand, pushing out piles of snow and laying an initial corduroy; looks like this will be the first "diamond" when it opens tomorrow. Cascade was variable with the cross traffic. The very top of Perimeter opened and was nice, but it was roped below the first cross over.

From the two main quads, there were basically four ways down. Sawyer's Swoop was pretty scraped, as was Bigger Ben. Big Ben was better, but Ben was getting scraped as well. Bretton's Wood below the top crossover looked good, but was closed to the public for race practice (even for the first hour and a half, when no one was using the trail).

Crawford's Blaze was my favorite run of the day, as it was the closest thing open to having any sort of challenge and character. Plenty of whales somewhat intact, though things were getting scraped by lunch time. Range View was initially nice, but also quickly getting scraped by late morning.

Avalon looks like it's not too far off.

Nice to get out for a few hours before the storm, but trails were very crowded by 9:30. Lots of racers flying down trails at times too, making things a bit dangerous. Other than a few times when racers groups were convening at Bethlehem, the lifts were generally ski on. That said, without too much terrain open, three quads were overcrowding the trails. Hopefully today's storm refreshes the trails and helps cover the boilerplate.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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