Gunstock Mountain Resort
Gunstock Mountain Resort
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Submitted on March 19, 2017 by amicus (125 Rating125)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions90% open; Packed Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesMost were open.
Moguls MogulsSaw none. Redhat often has them but not today.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Didn't use the Pistol Chair, which accesses those.
Run of the Day Run of the DayFlintlock to Redhat.
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDid not partake.
Comments CommentsI was dismayed by the crowd I was part of, arriving at 10 am. It annoyed me having to park in one of the remote lots and squeeze onto a jammed shuttle bus. Midweek skiing has spoiled me. The big Piche State Finals race had a lot to do with that, I imagine. They had Cannonball and Tiger reserved for that. Still, there seemed to be few Singles, and since I was one of them I avoided liftline waits.

I had wondered how conditions would be after the warm Saturday afternoon and cold night. They were fine, as I was happy to discover. Packed powder everywhere. The view from the summit was spectacular once the sun came out. Winnepesaukee is largely open and the blue water added to the scenic splendor. Alas, I discovered that my iPhone is full and won't let me take photos.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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