Cannon Mountain
Cannon Mountain
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Submitted on March 24, 2025 by alpinevillagepres (168 Rating168)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Variable Conditions, Ice
Glades Glades
Moguls Moguls
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the DayRavine, with Taft Slalom a close 2nd. This was a day to stay on top!
Food and Beverage Food and Beveragesplit the chicken tenders and fry basket at the 4080 cafe/pub
Comments CommentsSaturday was obviously the better day to ski, but I made plans with my ski buddy Sarah, and I was counting on more snow from the brief weather system overnight that only brought 3". Got to the main parking lot at 10:30 and found a lone spot in the front row! INDY pass redemption was very easy since I had made the reservation the night before, Sarah did fine getting it without a reservation or RFID card. Temps were cold like late January, but sunny skies made up for that. Wind not too bad, nothing ever went on wind hold. Lower mountain was all complete boiler plate icy garbage! After 2 runs down off the Peabody Express, and ski patrol literally closing trails behind us, we went up again to try the upper mountain, which was surprisingly good. Getting off the Cannonball quad was interesting. Rock solid icy ruts and even a mogul on one side of the off load ramp. Ravine skieed beautifully, nice cruiser, same with Taft. Profile was ok. Tramway actually had a bit of powder in places. Vista Way had either deep moguls or black ice, but you could get down it. Only bad part about hitting the trails right of the tram was the Easy Link trail of death back to the Cannonball Quad. We took in the sights from the observation tower, had lunch in the 4080' cafe, and I got to ride the tram for the very first time, although getting there was a trick. Zoomalanche to Banchee Cut thru was barely edgable in parts and was better suited for throw your self down and but ski down it. Finished the day with a stroll around the Profile Plaza, sadly the NESM closes at 4pm sharp now. Still hopefull for one last spring dump of snow to finih out the season!
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Rating Report Rating1 Rating1

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