Pats Peak
Pats Peak
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Submitted on March 3, 2025 by skiit (379 Rating379)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions100% open; Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesI wouldn't and didn't
Moguls MogulsThe surfaces glisten in the sun like an iceberg. Not well visited today.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Better snow over there
Run of the Day Run of the DayStill Twister but firmer than Saturday
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageBrown bagged it. Lot's of people indoors because of the cold but everyone seemed to be able to find a table... somewhere
Comments CommentsColder weather firmed things up. 10° in the morning headed to 18-20° in the afternoon. Light wind. Bright and sunny. 28 of 28 trails. 9 of 11 (really 9 of 10 as one handle tow has no top terminal) lifts open. Machined groom.
Not quite as busy as Saturday but still a good crowd according to the base director. Fewer scout troops than yesterday.
I forgot to mention the new to me, outdoor Twisted Tavern on the summit. Tables, couple ADK chairs, fire pit, beer, waffles, pretzels, etc... There's a larger outdoor Snow Lounge down between the Peak triple and double base. That may have been there in years past, I don't recall.
Despite the forecasted single digit wind chills I didn't think it was too bad. The skiing was fun.
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