Saturday, April 27, 2024
Submitted on April 27, 2024 by rocket21 (1461 Rating1461)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIkon Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions35% open; Spring Snow, Corn
Glades GladesBare down low, but some snow in the woods up high.
Moguls MogulsUngroomed early, with the groomed bumping up around lunchtime.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the DayDowndraft
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageThe high prices have become enough of a deterrent that I plan to eat elsewhere.
Comments CommentsKillington reopened the gondola for the weekend; without the added terrain, I would not have gone. Some of the best skiing was off it, so it was great that they opened it.

Everything was firm at opening, but softened very quickly (but not too soft in the morning). Virtually everything in the Canyon was open, except Lower East Fall and Royal Flush (royally bare). Cascade was groomed. Escapade, Downdraft, and Double Dipper were bumps and generally good with only a few chokepoints each.

North Ridge Quad was running with all trails open (a couple chokepoints on upper Ridge Run).

One could also connect to Superstar via Launch Pad and lower Snowden via Great Northern. Mouse Trap was good. Highline was on its last legs with a few chokepoints, but otherwise nice in the sun.

The core Skye Peak trails were in good shape - Superstar, Skyelark, and Bittersweet all wall to wall. Skyehawk was partial width, but okay. Middle Ovation was good. Panic Button was accessible and quite good, though the runout (via a now-unnamed-crossover back to the top of Snowshed) was thin.

Superstar and North Ridge were ski-on all morning. K1 was a few cabin wait for the morning, but the queue was filling up when I pulled out at lunchtime.

Beautiful spring morning starting just above freezing and warming into the 50s by lunchtime under sunny skies.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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