Magic Mountain Ski Area
Magic Mountain Ski Area
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Submitted on April 7, 2024 by neskier (40 Rating40)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions100% open; Packed Powder, Wet Packed Powder
Glades GladesTrees pretty well skied in without much uncovered ground. Seance and Disappearing Act both skied great. Steeper glades like White Tiger could have used a little more cover.
Moguls MogulsMoguls well-formed on all the trails open Thursday and Friday, with more powder-like conditions on Pitch Black, Black Magic, Magician, and the upper part of Black Line above Witch, which all opened later.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Terrain Park closed for the season
Run of the Day Run of the DayTwilight Zone / Slide of Hans - Even tie
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageCafeteria closed for the season, food service/bar in Black Line Tavern and drinks at The T-Bar. Out of a few things as they sell off stock for the offseason.
Comments CommentsBest last day of skiing ever? Nothing like a couple of late-season snowstorms to finally open up the entire mountain (all 50 trails!) for the first time this season, even if it's closing day. Great February-like skiing with well-covered ungroomed runs and glades, temps in the low 30s and unlike February at Magic for the past couple of years, ZERO lift lines with both Red and Black spinning to the top. Most trails had well-packed powder which made for nice bumps and nice groomer runs, although it got pretty sticky as the day went on and temps warmed up. Not a sky-high bar with how the season had been going, but definitely one of the best days. Till next season!
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Rating Report Rating2 Rating2

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