Magic Mountain Ski Area
Magic Mountain Ski Area
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Submitted on March 16, 2024 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionAfternoon
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions35% open; Spring Snow, Spring Snow
Glades GladesMaybe off Pixie Dust, but otherwise bare or almost bare.
Moguls MogulsDecent bumps on Talisman.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Still set up
Run of the Day Run of the DayTalisman
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDid not partake.
Comments CommentsQuad and the magic carpet running with 6 unique ways down (probably soon to be 3). Quad ran fine with no more than a few chair wait. Red and Green closed.

White Out/Up Your Sleeve still open on natural, but on their last legs. The latter was only a few feet wide in places.

Medium/Magic Carpet/Trick open and still wall to wall with a few random thin spots (Trick had some collapsing snow due to runoff as well). Vertigo was half-width on the steep, but the exit is toast (had to ski slush to grass).

Show-off okay with a few thin spots. Carumba to Red Line getting thin in places. Hocus Pocus has a few narrow passages.

Talisman was open via Wizard. The steeps have good cover, but there are thin/narrow spots getting there on Upper Wizard, and part of Lower Wizard was just about melted out by mid-afternoon.

RFID Rant: Magic is an Entabeni resort (RFID system, point of sale system, online store, and Indy Pass). Yet, the Indy RFID does not work. I've encountered this out west as well. It feels like grifting when you have to pay to buy Entabeni RFID passes at each area when you're already having to pay for the Entabeni Indy RFID.
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Rating Report Rating6 Rating6

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