Pats Peak
Pats Peak
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Submitted on March 8, 2024 by nordicgal (1465 Rating1465)
Session SessionNight
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeRetail Price
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Spring Snow, Variable Conditions
Glades Glades
Moguls Moguls
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the DayTwister, they really did a great job preparing the course for the team finals
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageBig Final blowout party with dinner, beer and awards for the season and results for Finals!! whoop whoop Amazing they pulled off the race.
Comments Comments Okay they didn't do a lot on the mountain since it rained until 2 pm on Thursday but whoa they were open. The race league finals went on as scheduled held on Twister with a dual course. The course was slipped well and provided a fast and fair first run for all. We didn't do our second run we thought it better to save ourselves for next year. We did go skiing and dodged all the bare spots on Duster, Twister was bumpy and fun. East Wind and Cyclone were roped off saving the snow for another day. Word is they'll make more snow if the temps get cold enough. Also Race trail will be closed Friday to prepare for a big States kid race to be held on Saturday. Oh my it is getting thin and I am afraid that spring is coming sooner than we want. Lots of snow on the Valley and tubing park.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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