Magic Mountain Ski Area
Magic Mountain Ski Area
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Submitted on April 2, 2023 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions85% open; Variable Conditions, Variable Conditions
Glades GladesStill pretty much full coverage, but bullet proof today. Did the little glade next to Enchanted Forest.
Moguls MogulsOnly ones on open terrain were on Heart of the Magician and Black Line; both were bulletproof.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Still set up, but closed today.
Run of the Day Run of the DayVertigo
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageCafeteria was closed, so all food service was upstairs in the pub. Chicken tenders and fries were $15 not including tax. Took quite awhile for food to arrive. Appreciated the free water/water cups.
Comments CommentsWith a terrible weather pattern (rain and warm weather followed by a flash freeze and subsequently colder, windy day), we rolled the dice and went to Magic. Conditions were not phenomenal, but were decent considering the hand they were dealt. Appreciated the late (10AM) opening, because it indicated they had kept the snowcats off the snow until the freeze.

Roughly four ways groomed off the summit - on the east side, Magic Carpet from the top, then Medium/Magic Carpet/Trick, then Lower Magic Carpet/Show Off/Carumba/Hocus Pocus/Lower Magician. Wizard top to bottom (plus Rabbit Run) on the west side.

Groomed trails were firm with golf balls in the morning, but eventually softened up to spring snow in the sun in early afternoon. Non-groomed trails, apart from low elevation flats, remained bulletproof with unpleasant frozen ruts all the way to last chair. Really wish they had done a few grooming passes on Talisman, since it would have been nice this afternoon (was bulletproof).

Witch through Magician were closed down to Link (with the exception of Broomstick to Heart of the Magician, which were both fairly unsavory), likely due to the boilerplate; each looked like they could have been open if it was 5-10 degrees warmer (though there are growing bare spots on Lower Witch and only the side of Magician looked skiable). Slide of Hans also closed, but looked doable if not bulletproof.

Only the Red Chair and carpet running today. Never more than a couple chair wait.

The remaining snowpack was better than I had expected after the rain/warm weather; only a few thin/bare spots. Initially started in rock skis, but swapped them out for my regular skis when I saw good the snowpack still was. Unless there is a lot of melting this week, it seems like most of the mountain could be open next weekend.
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Rating Report Rating5 Rating5

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