Sugarbush Resort
Sugarbush Resort
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Submitted on April 13, 2022 by nordicgal (1465 Rating1465)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIkon Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions15% open; Corn, Variable Conditions
Glades Gladesstill a little snow in the trees but not enough
Moguls MogulsBumps plenty of trails with bumps if you want them :)
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the DayGroomed Ripcord, ungroomed Stein's Run!
Food and Beverage Food and Beverageskipped lunch to go to Mt. Ellen to skin up it. Skinning closed after April 21st a sign was posted at base.
Comments Comments Lifts didn't open until 10 am (their spring weekday hours), and 18% of the trails are open--- from top of Super Bravo Downspout groom and Valley House Traverse groomed and from top of Heaven's Gate Ripcord and Jester were groomed. We skied from first chair until 12:15 mostly staying on top lapping Sigi's and a run on Jester to Stein's Run (wish we skied the bottom half the moutain more). Stein's Run's bumps were soft and fun, loved it. Loved the great snow on Ripcord, first hour we had big vista all they way to Mt. Washington and Mt. Whiteface! We got hit with showers the second hour but not so bad with temps in the 40s. Good fun. Mt. Ellen is closed and we went over and skinned to the summit and were able to ski top to bottom with it getting thing and bare spots nearer the base. Sugarbush Lincoln Peak is in pretty good shape, and super nice to go on a weekday when nearly no one was there but us!
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Rating Report Rating6 Rating6

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