Bretton Woods
Bretton Woods
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Submitted on March 20, 2022 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionAfternoon
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions50% open; Spring Snow, Spring Snow
Glades GladesAll roped. Lower mountain trees looked fried, but certain upper mountain exposures may still have some snow.
Moguls Moguls
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Bretton's Wood.
Run of the Day Run of the DayDarby's Drop
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageNo mask mandates this season. Employees were also mostly unmasked, making for a better experience. Good french fries from the base lodge cafeteria. Rosebrook summit lodge bar was open too. Had a good waffle from the waffle hut in the base area.
Comments CommentsThe wet blow torch has definitely done it's damage, making things look more like April than the first day of spring. Seems like Bretton Woods fared better than Cannon, but still a lot of melting.

Bethlehem, Zephyr, Rosebrook, and Learning Center quads were running, as well as the gondola. Zephyr closed later in the afternoon, likely due to a lack of riders. West Mountain was closed.

Rosebrook Quad didn't make much sense, as the short High Ridge was the only trail open off the top. Zealand was open and okay, and one could cross over to lower Bode's. Upper Bode's had a few bare spots, but seemed like it could be open (some folks were poaching).

Below Rosebrook, only Upper Perimeter to Darby's Drop or Water Tank. Darby's was easily my favorite trail of the day, as it's narrow and steep.

Aside from those, from Bethlehem there was Sawyer's Swoop (half width up top), Bigger Ben to Big Ben or Bretton's Wood.

From the top of the gondola, there was Upper Swoop/Upper Express (big bare spot)/Outer Bounds to Fabyan's Express/Crawford's Blaze.

Beyond there, from Zephyr there was Range View (decent), Coos Caper, and Avalon. Nothing open beyond Avalon, or below Crawford Ridge.

Pretty much everything within that footprint is toast at this point, though perhaps some crossovers cut be put back together if they get some sub-freezing temperatures Monday/Tuesday night to allow for some cat work.

Cloudy afternoon with light rain starting around 2:30. Very light crowds.
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Rating Report Rating5 Rating5

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