Saskadena Six
Saskadena Six
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Submitted on February 5, 2022 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions100% open; Packed Powder, Powder
Glades GladesLots of folks in the woods, including skiing the mountain bike trails. Still plenty of untracked pow visible even after lunch.
Moguls MogulsOn most of the natural trails.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Some features on Milky Way
Run of the Day Run of the DayCrystal
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageThey're still hanging onto the mask mandate, so I took my food and beverage business elsewhere.
Comments CommentsSuicide Six did very well from the storm, picking up a foot or so of powder. Not champagne powder, but not New England cement either. Everything was open.

Off the double, Milky Way, lower Bee Line, Chimney, and Lasky Lot were groomed. Standard and Double Dip were ungroomed and still had some untracked powder by late morning. Double opened mid-morning and never had more than a few chair wait.

The Gully had a single cat track groomed and was otherwise wide open. A couple of thin spots in the steeps, but generally good coverage. Unique trail/slope.

The Face and Mid Face were both groomed, though not wall to wall. Some gates set on Mid Face for awhile, but they fortunately did not close the trail.

Crystal skied well and wasn't getting much use, since the entrance is sort of tucked behind the Face. Showoff skied decently, but a few thin spots between the bumps were visible up high. Pomfret Plunge hadn't seen as much traffic, so it was a little choppy. Backscratcher had some weird ice chunks mixed into the snowpack on the headwall. This is a legit steep trail.

Skyline was good, but Chute was neat (ungroomed). Bunny's Boulevard was windy (maybe the only windy place on the mountain today), but good. Perley's Peril and Bourdon's Bowl were ungroomed and a little thin on the short steeps. Easy Mile was good.

Parking lot didn't quite fill up, but the mountain was nevertheless busy. The quad was generally a 5 to 10 minute wait and didn't really let up at lunch time (only 2 minutes for a few runs immediately at noon, but then back up to 5+). Line was a free-for-all for awhile, but fortunately ski patrol started directing traffic. Even with the lines, the trails were never crowded, since the lift serves so many trails.

At lunch time, someone went on the outdoor PA and started reciting all of the COVID rules in effect in the lodge. The Gettysburg address was shorter. A lot of people on the lift seemed done with the restrictions, and a few locals noted that more people are eschewing them at this point. Individuals should be able to make their own decisions.

Temps in the single digits to teens, but blue skies and minimal wind made it feel like a normal winter day. Awesome to finally ski all of the neat trails here!
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Rating Report Rating6 Rating6

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