Pats Peak
Pats Peak
Friday, December 31, 2021
Submitted on December 31, 2021 by skiit (379 Rating379)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions85% open; Loose Granular, Loose Granular
Glades GladesCouple of feet in length where the snowmaking drifted in, otherwise don't do it!
Moguls MogulsNone
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)small features set up
Run of the Day Run of the DayTwister or FIS, or FIS or Twister
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDidn't partake. They have an order online outside pickup window . The line into the Cafe was almost out the door at 1:30. They may have limiting the # of people inside the cafe...IDK. I walked thru the pub and all seats were taken but not what I'd call crowded.
Comments Comments+1 Nordicgal. 24 of 28 trails, 9 of 11 lifts. Foggy visiblilty 1/2 mile got worse in the afternoon. Warm maybe 40ish at noon. Tubing open, Primary surface was soft machine groomed snow wall to wall on the open trails. Tornado, Hurricane, Vortex were closed for good reasons. Downdraft was listed as closed but I skied it, seemed fine. 1st day out this season. VS. Arrived at 8:15 and got the last row in the first lot. Alittle apprehensive but there was one person in the ticket line. No reservations required at this time for Indy Passes which is nice. FV. There are several outside shelters with picnic tables which I booted up in and open air picnic tables on a new to me patio. IIRC, that was reported last season. Also outdoor baggage racks open to the elements if you don't want to go in the lodge. Masks in the lodge required. It was pretty much ski on until 10. FIS was closed for racing so I went down Twister. I heard they swapped FIS with Twister for racing later. Quite a few people were skinning up which is $29. A longer line developed so I headed to the Basin. A big line was there for a while but still didn't take more than 15 mins. Then everyone pretty much disappeared before lunch. I lapped Blizzard and the others about 10 times before heading back to Twister & FIS. FIS was a bit scratchy in the middle but fine on each edge. The Vortex chair was ski on. Later I went down Downdraft to check out the beginner side and I found where everyone was. At the triple & Valley double below tubing. Made a quick exit stage right to avoid that quarmire. Fun 1st day. Ended up with 21k vert. which kinda surprised me for an under 800 ft mountain.
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