Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Submitted on January 9, 2021 by rhodeislandskier (614 Rating614)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Loose Granular, Loose Granular
Glades GladesNot open
Moguls MogulsNone
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Three park areas are open.
Run of the Day Run of the DayTwitcher on South Peak
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageOnly grab and go, no indoor seating.
Comments CommentsSkied North Peak and South Peak today. Same trail count and overall snow conditions as the previous two days but with Weekend grooming in effect. Temperature remained below freezing all morning but there was full sun. Lifts were ski on for the first hour but lines built up to 6-10 minutes by noon. Skied a few runs off the East Basin chair, no line there. Snowmaking guns were set up on Angel Street and Big Dipper, but were not running. After skiing at South Peak we were going to take a few runs off the Kanc quad but saw long lift lines and decided to call it a day just before 1:00.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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