Magic Mountain Ski Area
Magic Mountain Ski Area
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Submitted on February 20, 2020 by rocket21 (1538 Rating1538)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions95% open; Packed Powder, Loose Granular
Glades GladesA few inches of powder on top of some ice crusted base.
Moguls MogulsMost ungroomed trails.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Lower Hocus Pocus
Run of the Day Run of the DayTrick
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageCheeseburger, fries, chicken tenders, and hot chocolate were $20 at the base cafe.
Comments CommentsAwesome day at Magic - virtually everything open and, despite being a holiday week, no crowds. Some of the most challenging terrain in Vermont and trails with character.

No sign of any further construction on the quad since December; probably not opening this season. No lines for either of the chairlifts today.

On the upper east side, Medium, Upper Magic Carpet, and Trick were groomed and skiing well, even by mid-afternoon. On the lower east side, Show Off (gates up, but open to the public) and Carumba to Lower Redline were groomed and skiing well.

Whiteout/Pixie Dust/Betwixt/Enchanted Forest were all open, though a little icy/thin in the middle and otherwise bumps. Enchanted Forest was the smoothest of the bunch. Up Your Sleeve and Lower Magic Carpet had decent natural snow coverage. Vertigo had some ice/thin spots at the headwall, but otherwise was fine. Mystery was icy in places (generally the narrows), but nice in others. Kinderspiel was smooth on the left side.

Upper Wizard to Talisman to Lower Wizard was groomed on the west side and skied well, even mid-afternoon. Upper Broomstick was groomed to the Heart of the Magician, but not beyond there (surprise if you were expecting a groomed run all the way). Heart of the Magician was a little rough in the steeps (big bumps and some ice and thin spots), but Lower Magician had a single groomed cat track that was nice. Lower Wizard was ungroomed until below the steeps (which were a little rough/thin), but then groomed and smooth thereafter. Sorcerer was generally softer bumps with a little ice further down, but fairly good. Hocus Pocus was good, and the Little Dipper area (hopping into it from Lower Wizard, then bumping back out at the base of the quad) was awesome.

Surprised to see snowmaking in progress - guns were going on Black Line, from Link to Wand.

Cold day with more clouds than expected, but fortunately the layout of the ski area kept it from getting scoured in the winds. Friendly employees and an old school feel.
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Rating Report Rating2 Rating2

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