Bretton Woods
Bretton Woods
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Submitted on December 7, 2019 by skiit (379 Rating379)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines3 to 5 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions45% open; Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesNot open officially.
Moguls MogulsNot well formed. Lots of powder pillows
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)None
Run of the Day Run of the DayAll of them.... Daves Drop
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageExpensive
Comments CommentsDec. 7, 2019 - Sat. 27 of 63 trails, 4 of 10 lifts, 16- 20F cloudy, light snow all day. light to no wind, powder, ppr with some frozen granular under that late in the day. 4” new in 7 days.
4” before we got there another 3 during the day on the report. Seemed like more in spots.

Used our free tickets from Patriots Day. Powder everywhere. Some uncut stretches early then big piles of light fluff everywhere all day except late there were some mid trail FG spots. They hadn’t groomed much. Crossing water bars and other features that aren’t covered like they will be later in the season, made for some fun.
The new gondola is great. The line was never more than 4 cars long even though it rarely had 6 people let alone the 8 it is designed for. Most of the afternoon it was ski on. Well ski up to... West, all glades and the Rosebrook summit were closed. The new summit lodge is enclosed but will not open until this summer.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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