Loon Mountain Resort Sunday, March 3, 2019 |
Submitted on March 3, 2019 by rhodeislandskier (614)
Session | Morning |
Ticket Type | Season Pass |
Lift Lines | 3 to 5 minutes |
Trail Conditions | 100% open; Packed Powder, Packed Powder |
Glades | All glades were open, did not venture in. |
Moguls | Big Dipper and Triple Trouble were ungroomed moguls. Moguls were also found on skiers left of Lower Flume, and skiers right on Basin Street after intersection with Crosscut. |
Terrain Park(s) | Six parks were open, did not venture in. |
Run of the Day | Upper Speakeasy |
Food and Beverage | Did not partake. |
Comments | All 61 trails were open, and all lifts were running again today. The weather was partly cloudy and the temperature reached the low 30's at the base. Snow conditions were mostly packed powder, similar to yesterday, but there were more icy spots today.
The West Basin was very busy today. There was a youth race going on. Special Olympics was holding a fundraiser in the Governor Adams Lodge. And the BMW test drive and Volkl ski demo was still going on there. Lower Picked Rock, Blue Ox, Rampasture, Lower and Upper Northstar, and Lower Speakeasy had soft packed powder conditions, and skied well. Rumrunner and Coolidge Street were closed for a race. Lift lines got backed up by about 10 AM.
North Peak trails had nice packed powder conditions as well. Upper Flume skied well, Lower Flume had icy spots at the beginning. Upper and Lower Walking Boss were good. Sunset had some icy spots today. Upper Picked Rock, Flying Fox, Crosscut, and Haulback skied well. Upper Speakeasy skied really nice. Lift lines at North Peak moved smoothly with minimal wait time.
URL | https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0viY74X0AAhvC6.jpg
Report Rating | 4