Loon Mountain Resort
Loon Mountain Resort
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Submitted on December 1, 2018 by rhodeislandskier (614 Rating614)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions60% open; Packed Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesUpper and Lower Walking Boss Woods are open, did not partake.
Moguls MogulsUpper Walking Boss was loaded with soft snow moguls.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Several areas open, did not partake.
Run of the Day Run of the DayBlue Ox
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDid not partake
Comments CommentsLoon received 25" of snow this week. Packed powder and soft snow conditions on all open trails today. The upper elevation areas of the mountain had noticeably softer, more powdery snow, and the lower half of the mountain was just slightly firmer. The Kancamagus Express Quad and the Governor Adams Lodge in the West Basin opened today. Upper Rumrunner to Coolidge Street opened today. Snow was made yesterday on Walking Boss leaving a deep base of soft snow which was quickly transformed into large soft moguls. The weather was nice, temps in the low 30's. The day started out with a few flurries but the sun came out around 11:30. The North Peak lift line started to back up around 10 AM, but was not as bad as last Saturday. The Kancamagus Quad was a good choice today as the line moved quickly all morning. Lots of fun and happy faces on the mountain today.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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