Magic Mountain Ski Area
Magic Mountain Ski Area
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Submitted on April 8, 2018 by newenglandskier13 (796 Rating796)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeFreedom Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Packed Powder, Powder
Glades GladesGood snow, but very thin in places with many obstacles
Moguls MogulsLots of moguls, some getting icy
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Full park in great comdition
Run of the Day Run of the DayWhite Kitten
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageNone had
Comments CommentsMagic's last day of the season was a day of relatively average conditions, for February or early March. It certainly did not feel like April out there. New snow yesterday had given everything a new surface, which was starting to get scraped off in places. Some moguls were still soft, but others had become icy. Groomed trails were perfect packed powder. Woods had good snow, but were very thin in places, more so than at Abram yesterday. Most trails on the East Side were open and so were a few on the West; nothing under or near the chairs was. It was not very busy and there was no waiting, except for first chair. Temperatures were in the 20s and 30s with some wind and it was mostly cloudy. It was a great day and it's too bad to see places close with so much snow left.
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Rating Report Rating2 Rating2

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