Ragged Mountain Resort
Ragged Mountain Resort
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Submitted on March 14, 2018 by beccam (855 Rating855)
Session SessionMorning
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions95% open; Packed Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesThey dropped the ropes all morning - YAY!!! Glades were basically bottomless!!! VERY deep and challenging powder in them.
Moguls Mogulsforming, but, nothing official
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)avoided
Run of the Day Run of the DayCemetery Gates to Cabin Fever OR Big Rock
Food and Beverage Food and Beveragedidn't partake - I always go to Danbury Country Store for pizza & a whoopie pie :)
Comments CommentsTERRIFIC morning here!!!! MUCH untracked powder!!! Initially the trail report didn't list many new glades but then dropped the ropes on Karen's Dream, etc. Almost too deep now - always challenging turning in deep powder. Tried to take it easy as I really wanted to get to Whaleback in the afternoon and have some turns left in me. Stayed a couple hours. Was great to have the Big Rock Trail side open!!!! Always was able to find fresh powder. They groomed some but left a fun amount engrossed (my favorite). Fresh snow added in along the way.
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Rating Report Rating5 Rating5

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