Cranmore Mountain Resort
Cranmore Mountain Resort
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Submitted on March 9, 2025 by skiit (379 Rating379)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions85% open; Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesFrozen stiff crud
Moguls MogulsThe only ones were the usual ones at the bottom of the Alley and they were Frozen stiff crud.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)2 parks. Looked good
Run of the Day Run of the DayHurricane
Food and Beverage Food and Beveragelunch, apres brat and dinner were part of the Cup entry
Comments CommentsEdit: sorry folks this is Cranmore
28th Annual Hannes Schneider Meister Cup to benefit the New England Ski Museum. 51 of 61 trails (90% open if you don't count glades), 6 of 7 lifts, 15-24F, partly cloudy, strong winds through out the day with some high gusts, machine groomed over hardpack. Very, very few ice patches or bare spots. Coverage was very good. Some runs started off pretty firm and stayed firm. Good skiing overall. Lift lines at the HS Quad were generally short, the others ski on. Race conditions were very icy. A number of racers slipped out. But it suited the athletes who turned in some great times. We ended up covering the entire mtn. Pretty good New England ski day.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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