Black Mountain Resort
Black Mountain Resort
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Submitted on February 23, 2025 by rocket21 (1533 Rating1533)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions95% open; Packed Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesLooked a little cruddy from sleet/freeze thaw, so did not go in.
Moguls MogulsA few places on natural trails.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)None
Run of the Day Run of the DayUpper Jackson Standard
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageBlack has gone cashless (not sure how that's old fashioned?), so we took our cash to J-Town Deli and had a good late lunch.
Comments CommentsIndy Pass redemption rant - the Entabeni Indy Pass RFID card still doesn't work at the Entabeni Indy Pass owned area, so you are required to by an Entabeni Black Mountain RFID card for $5. But, if you then hand them a $5 bill, they won't accept it because they've gone cashless, so you have to fork over a credit card (for a $5 transaction!). They did, however, get rid of the cumbersome Entabeni photo taking exercise, but the redemption is still pretty time consuming, especially compared to old-school Indy areas that still have lift tickets. The Entabeni RFID scanners also seem less than optimal, but at least the folks operating them were friendly as they tried to aim them.

Anyway, Black was mostly open (advertised being 100% open, but the J-Bar area was closed due to mechanical problems), but the 24-48" advertised base was only accurate on the snowmaking routes. Seemed like there were two to four snowmaking routes on the main mountain - Upper Maple Slalom and Upper Black Beauty, filtering into Speedwell/Dipper/Jackson Standard/Black Beauty (I think; I get those trails confused). The snowmaking trails skied very nicely, even into the afternoon.

Secondary trails had various bare spots and rocks, but wider low angle areas had good coverage. Watch out for the large rocks on Bob-O-Link and the growing dirt patch at the bottom of Sugarbush, as well as some other assorted obstacles. Grass was popping through on Roller Coaster/Black Diamond/Lower Maple Slalom, but they skied well once the sun softened them up a bit mid morning.

Both chairs and the platter were running and were often ski-on. Trails never seemed crowded. Weather was a mix of sun and snow flurries.
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Rating Report Rating5 Rating5

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