Cranmore Mountain Resort
Cranmore Mountain Resort
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Submitted on February 9, 2025 by rocket21 (1501 Rating1501)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines6 to 10 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions100% open; Powder, Packed Powder
Glades GladesJughandle, Pipeline, and Gibson Chutes were open. Not sure about Stemboggen. Others I think were closed. Jughandle was good in the open spot, but thin where narrow. Gibson thin in places. Had to watch out for branches and blowdowns in places.
Moguls Moguls
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)North Slope, South Slope, Beginner's Luck, and Lower Koessler
Run of the Day Run of the DayEvergreen
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageHad a really good lunch at Zip's Pub - decent portions, reasonable-for-ski-area prices, and some not-typical-for-ski-area fare (including a good chicken-corn-cheese-mashed-potato bowl).
Comments CommentsTook advantage of the $59 online special (plus $5 RFID fee) and landed a nice powder day. Though the online order was a little clunky, the actual redemption was super quick - scan the QR code and the RFID card pops out. None of the Rube Goldberg, Big Brother Entabeni RFID system stuff.

Seemed like 8 inches or so of powder, which was fluffy at the start.

All trails were open (Middle to Competition Slope was closed for a good portion of the day for a race, but then opened). Seems like they covered pretty much all of the trails with snowmaking this year as well, including ones that I don't recall seeing them hit in years, if ever. Steeps became harder later in the day with the hardpack and powder moguls. Lower angle stuff was still a nice packed powder later in the day. Probably the nicest stuff was below Bandit (which itself quickly became a frozen granular chute), as many people don't want to do the slog across the base area. Had some nice powder runs on Evergreen and Emperor.

Lines were quite long for the high speed quad throughout the morning and into the start of the afternoon, then suddenly disappeared as the race wrapped up and others left for the Super Bowl. Schneider Triple had a line mid-morning, but otherwise wasn't too much of a wait. The Lookout Triple never ran - would have been great if they did run it, both for avoiding the long run out, and having an alternative (albeit slow) to the lines. Despite the lines, the trails were not too crowded, thanks to the amount of terrain open.

I think Cranmore gets overlooked by some as being "small," but the vertical is similar to most anything at Sunday River, and there are a lot of trails of different types (steeps, open slopes, and classic New England trails).

Though we went to Zip's for lunch (I suspect the building will get knocked down before long for the next piece of the real estate development), we did duck into the new Fairback Lodge. Main floor (cafeteria) is bright with views of the slopes. Entrance floor has cubbies and tables for booting up (and presumably brown bagging). Coupled with level parking lots that aren't too far away, this is a much easier approach than places like Stratton's main base area, where you usually have to park in a satellite lot and there are no cubbies for bootbags. Restrooms on both floors - pretty functional.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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