Sugarloaf Mountain Resort
Sugarloaf Mountain Resort
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Submitted on February 1, 2025 by snowphoenix (176 Rating176)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeSeason Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines1 to 2 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions75% open; Packed Powder, Loose Granular
Glades GladesAll closed to begin with, but Barberchair Glade/Pipe Cleaner and Broccoli Garden opened midmorning. A number of other glades were listed as closed but had dropped ropes, and I did a number of these. Stump Shot had the most exposed hazards while Gondi Glade had the most ice. Cant Hook Glade is more of a narrow chute than a glade but had some great drifts of powder. Also tried a section of unmarked woods, which was okay but could really use more snow.
Moguls MogulsMoguls were not particularly firm and generally quite large, with some ice patches and/or thin spots in the troughs. The bump runs I skied were Sheer Boom, Upper Glancer, Double Bitter, Winter's Way, Bubblecuffer and Misery Whip, which all had pretty comparable conditions. Did not attempt Ripsaw today as the lower pitch looked quite thin from the King Pine lift.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Did not go over to the Whiffletree area today but it seems like that is where the main terrain park has been moved to. Sidewinder also had the usual banked turn setup.
Run of the Day Run of the DayCant Hook Glade
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageDid not partake
Comments Comments3'' of new snow overnight plus another 8'' over the last week made for some superb skiing especially in the morning! Most of the main mountain trails were open, although most of the snowfields, a few runs in the Bucksaw Express area, and all the gladed areas east of Ripsaw were closed (I saw multiple people duck the rope on the latter). Conditions were packed powder on most trails, though the ones that saw the most traffic transitioned into a loose granular surface with icy spots by the end of the day. Some trails on the upper mountain didn't have much snow accumulation due to wind and so were hardpack with frozen granular on top.

I was able to do at least a few runs on pretty much all areas of the mountain except Whiffletree, including multiple runs on Timberline before it went on wind hold in the afternoon (it was also on windhold for the first hour or two of the morning). Lift lines were manageable for most of the day; the longest I waited in by far was about 10 minutes for Skyline at 11:00, though that lift only had a few-chair wait in the afternoon despite the loading carpet breaking down causing the lift to run slower than usual. The only lifts not running were Double Runner West and the Bateau T-Bar.

It was a chilly day with temperatures ranging from the low single digits to low teens, although the wind was only really bothersome at the very top of Timberline. The summit was in the clouds in the morning although the afternoon had beautiful bluebird skies with great views of the peaks and wilderness surrounding the resort. I layered up for the cold and stayed warm enough to ski almost nonstop for the whole day, getting 25 runs in and about 35,000 feet of vertical!
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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