Sugarbush Resort
Sugarbush Resort
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Submitted on January 5, 2025 by alpinevillagepres (146 Rating146)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeDiscount from Ski Area
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions60% open; Packed Powder, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesN/A
Moguls Mogulssome formed on lower snowball
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)
Run of the Day Run of the DayJester
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageStopped on our way to switch mountains at Paradise Market and Deli, which is apparently owned by Sugarbvush now. Good Panini for $14. took too long, but staff was appologetic about it.
Comments CommentsThis report is pretty much for me and my friend Sarah since it's almost a week later. The post Christmas weekend warm up did not help the ski industry in New England obviously. We had $99 ticket vouchers for any day plus a bonus day after April 1, (I'll let you know if I'm able to take advantage of that one),and given that I have a place 10 minutes from the mountain yet because of cost I rarely ski there anymore, I convinced her to give Mascara Mountain a try. We got to South about 9 and the parking lot was not busy at all, we were like the 3rd row of vehicles. There were literally 2 groups of 5 or 6 parking lot attendants, who couldn't take the joke I made about asking them if there were enough of them there...
We opted to boot up at my truck since it was years since I had been there and had no clue what the base lodge / bag situation would be. Made a warmup lap on Pushover and Slowpoke off Gate House then headed up Super Bravo. Cloudy up top to start, but temps were in the 30's and snow was actually in very good shape. No issues with the new Heaven's Gate lift and even this Outlaw Josey Wales throwback skier has gotten used to conveyer loaders now. I had seen this lift under construction in August and it was cool to see the finished product, as well as ski right off the lift and not have to climb up past Organ Grinder to Jester. Jester skiied really well considering the lack of natural snow, as did upper snowball and racer's edge over off Gadd Peak. Rode Valley House Quad which was also new to me and the new Reverse Traverse now called Heaven's Gate Traverse which actually goes downhill now. We kept making top to bottom runs off either Valley House and Bravo before it started to crowd up at the top around noon, which is just when the clouds started to break. We probably should have stayed at South, but we decided to get our full money's worth and drive to North, which after 1 was night and day compared to south. Much firmer base, little too icy at first, but we found our legs, and the right lines to take and you really cannot beat the view from the Glen Ellen summit! We quit around 3:30 after a very good day. We never skieed Inverness, it was only open for racing, and interestingly, the second GMVS T Bar on the skiers left side has been removed. Of note, there were gigantic wales of snow waiting to be pushed around on the sunshine quad area.
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