Comments | Today, we used our Ski Maine passes at Pleasant Mountain. We had been waiting to go until they got the Summit Triple back up and running, which they did this weekend, albeit at a limited capacity, due to the still unsolved and unspecified mechanical issue. The day started with some perfectly groomed packed powder runs, which were the best runs that I've skied yet this year. It was a cold bluebird day, and roughly 2/3 of the mountain was open. There were even a few small gladed areas and trails open with natural snow. All of the lifts were running, although the Summit Triple was being loaded at 1/3 capacity. They would fill three chairs, and then let six go up empty. This led to the Summit Triple having the only significant lift line of the day, which averaged about 7 minutes long. We spent most of the day on the Sunnyside Triple and Pine Quad, which were mostly ski-on. As the day progressed, many trails got scraped off in the middle. It's unfortunate that they no longer groom before night skiing, and I can imagine that conditions got quite dicey during Monday Night Madness this evening. |