Monday, January 1, 2024
Submitted on January 1, 2024 by indyskier29 (165 Rating165)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions15% open; Variable Conditions, Frozen Granular
Glades GladesNo natural to be found.
Moguls MogulsDidn't really form, a couple soft ones here and there
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)A hike-to park with a few features was between Off Stage and Lower Glade.
Run of the Day Run of the DayRace Slope
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageBig portion of Mac and Cheese w/ pulled pork for lunch. Good.
Comments CommentsA mixed bag at Catamount today. They clearly took a huge beating from the week of warmth and fog we just had, but managed to patch things together pretty well and resurface. Snowmaking continued on Promenade throughout the day as the temps sat right around freezing, and fired back up on the whole Upper Sidewinder/Upper Glade/Alley Cat area as the sun began to set behind the mountain and things cooled down some more. Several open trails are in dire need of resurfacing.

Off the summit quad, the only open route is Ridge Run down to either Walter's Way or Mountain View. Walter's was THIN cover, with death cookies, rocks, and bare spots abound. Surprised they kept it open, it was not in good shape at all and I only skied it once. Mountain View was only a little better, and though there weren't bare spots it got skied off to thick granular and frozen cat tracks. Ridge Run itself had fresh manmade on it and skied good until 2 or so, when it began to get scraped off. Most of the lower mountain trails on looker's left off the Meadows lift were thin and relatively scratchy, with frozen granular melting and refreezing as the day went on.

Everything worth skiing was off the Catamount Quad, and I made 15 runs just off that. Though the unload area was very thin, the rest of the trail pod was fine. Race Slope was ROTD, with good base depth and solid snow conditions all day long, mostly packed powder and it softened up a bit in the sun as well. Catamount was similar, although it got somewhat scraped off as the day went on. Alley Cat skied good as well.

Looks to be a cold week, so hopefully they can replenish their open trails especially on the Meadows side and get Glade and Alley Cat opened up. Some natural snow would be nice to have down here in southern New England.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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