Cannon Mountain
Cannon Mountain
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Submitted on March 26, 2022 by rocket21 (1404 Rating1404)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions50% open; Spring Snow, Variable Conditions
Glades GladesFried
Moguls MogulsOn the side of some Front Five trails and eventually down the middle of trails.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Toss Up still set up. A few rolls on Huckerbrook.
Run of the Day Run of the DaySkyline
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageThe Governor apparently forced Cannon to lift its ridiculous mask mandate a few weeks ago. Chicken tenders/fries and a beverage were about $16 on the summit.
Comments CommentsA few less trails than when I was here a few weeks ago. Trails were extremely variable to start (earliest groomed were frozen, mid-shift groomed seemed to have golf balls, latter groomed were smooth), but eventually spring snow took hold (even though the sun never really shined). Lots of blue ice bulges, bare spots, and random rocks.

Front five trails were strong in some places (Rocket), but getting narrow in others (Zoomer before the turn). Avalanche was closed below the Banshee Cut-Thru, but some folks were poaching anyway. Jasper's seemed like the nicest snow of all. Beware of Lakeside - brown snow with a very narrow passage at the end.

Skylight joined the closed list on the upper mountain (Vista also closed). Best of the bunch was probably Taft. Others had areas of blue ice, etc, generally down low. Links were a crowded mess.

Main Mountain was getting thin and narrow in places. Time Zone was probably the smoothest of all, whereas Upper Gremlin and Turnpike are getting thin.

Tuckerbrook complex generally holding on, but thin at the load loading. Fleitman Trail to Mittersill is very narrow/thin in one place (literally wide enough for a pair of skis).

Baron's Run was once again closed for racing. Upper Skyline probably had the smoothest conditions of the day, even in early afternoon. One rough spot on Dragon's (only way out of Mittersill with Baron's closed). Taft Superslope had some bare spots in the middle, but otherwise was good.

Trails were pretty busy today, with lots of folks dressed up for 80s day. They're really having to patch the mountain up a lot to keep it skiable because of all of the blue ice. If you've been up here in summer, you can see why it is - lots of unmitigated erosion and little quality drainage work. Sad to see all of the lifts in dire need of painting with rust showing on a few. Rather than trying to get tax dollars for a $30 million tram, perhaps they should maintain the existing infrastructure.
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Rating Report Rating4 Rating4

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