Waterville Valley Resort
Waterville Valley Resort
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Submitted on February 10, 2022 by rocket21 (1403 Rating1403)
Session SessionFull Day
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeIndy Pass
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions95% open; Packed Powder, Powder
Glades GladesDid not enter, but in play. The Green Peak glades may be the largest on the mountain.
Moguls MogulsHit up Tangent, Preston's Path, Wayne Wong Way, and Mean Jean's Ravine. Lower Bobby's looked thin from afar. Plenty of bumps on the sides of trails too.
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)Fun Run, Lower Utter Abandon (large features), Lower White Caps, Lower Periphery.
Run of the Day Run of the DayPsyched
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageMask mandate (Federal property), so I didn't buy anything. Very few people wearing masks inside. It's over. Drop the mandates!
Comments CommentsFantastic conditions and almost everything open. About an inch of snow fell this afternoon. No rain and no sun, so no melting to speak of today.

Green Peak pretty much wide open, though you do have to be careful on the sides of the diamonds due to the rocks. Skied Wayne Wong Way for the first time; ungroomed with manmade base underneath and powder on top. Pretty good. Clean Shaven was groomed and awesome. Pfosi's had some grooming and some natural (not as good down low due to a partial thaw yesterday). Mean Jean's Ravine was ungroomed with bumps and decent coverage. Other trails were good.

Did not venture to the Lower Meadows, but it looked fine from afar.

Initial headwall on Ciao was a little firm, but the rest of it, and Gema, were good. True Grit was groomed down the middle (seemed a little thin up high) with bump runs being constructed on the sides. Did not venture onto Lower Bobby's, as it was ungroomed and looked a little thin from afar. Oblivion and No Grit were good.

Race training in the High Country, but plenty of room to maneuver. Hassle was not groomed.

Tangent was natural bumps and quite pleasant. Periphery was probably the worse run of the day, as it had recently been groomed out after snowmaking (lots of golf balls). Most snow I've seen made on that trail in a long time. Preston's Path had good powder bumps. Boneyard is closed, but has been pushed out and I assume will open soon.

Tippy and Tyler were good, as was Old Tecumseh. A few cat passes down Sel's from the top of Tommy's; moguls above and on the sides. Tommy's was fine. Upper Utter Abandon may have been closed (we missed the sign), but perhaps with side access. New England cement powder on it, so not great. Lower Utter Abandon has the huge jumps this year, but had fantastic snow late in the afternoon, as no one had been on it. White Caps was fine. Exhibition is just a regular trail this year (no terrain park) and was quite nice. Upper Bobby's to Psyched out was also nice.

Fantastic surfaces which held up all day, thanks in part to an inch of natural refresh. The base immediately underneath is packed powder (rather than boilerplate), so it's nice cruising and turns are quiet. Friendly employees.
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Rating Report Rating7 Rating7

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