Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Friday, December 3, 2021
Submitted on December 4, 2021 by indyskier29 (165 Rating165)
Session SessionNight
Lift Ticket Ticket TypeRetail Price
Lift Lines Lift Lines0 minutes
Snow Trail Conditions35% open; Packed Powder, Loose Granular
Glades GladesNo actual glades after the recent melt.
Moguls Mogulsn/a
Terrain Park Terrain Park(s)not open yet
Run of the Day Run of the DayNorth Glade
Food and Beverage Food and BeverageGood chicken soup for dinner.
Comments CommentsTook advantage of a $39 twilight ticket and started the 21-22 season here at Jiminy. 11 trails open with the Berkshire Express, Novice Triple, and Cricket Triple running. Four distinct runs off West Way - North Glade, Lower Glade, Fox, and Grand Slam, with 360/180 and Upper/Lower Slingshot a little further down. Conditions were solid, with a few whales and icy patches here and there. Great mountain with nice lodges, legitimately steep terrain, and efficient lifts, and it was a great way to get the season going.
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Rating Report Rating3 Rating3

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